Sunday, January 12, 2014

My 555 FB freinds classified into 10 classes

I noticed today that I have 555 friends on Facebook. During dinner at a function yesterday, I finally had that dreaded encounter. One of those 555 had asked me what my name was. A bit of consoling thing is, she could recall my last-name, when I said my first-name and also said that we were Facebook friends. No offense, though :-)

Just for fun, I attempted to classify my 555 friends into 10 classes. This is not to criticize any of them, as it is their own wall, and they have every right to post anything they want. It's for me to choose whether to read those or even allow them in my feed.

1. Push agenda at all costs
We have a clear agenda. Most of the stuff that we share, comment and like would be to push that. More often than not, you find us annoying, as we are hardly unbiased. 

2. What we read is what we believe
Most naive set. We behave, as if we believe every word that's ever written on the Internet, and totally miss out on using the same Internet to verify stuff. 

3. Just can't make things simpler
We are the intellectual breed or at least trying hard to be one. We just don't like anything simple. Compulsive theorists. Would love to identify patterns and weave things. Fun reads, as long as we don't belong to Class-1 also :-)
4. We just love this world
We are the God sent for those loners and 'like' seekers. You post it. We like it. As simple as that.
5. We live on Facebook
Sun just can't set without seeing a couple of our posts of the day. We put painstaking efforts to ensure that, and we don't even worry about being dumb, at times.
6. In pursuit of replacing, one day
We are a bunch of wannabe Socrates. Our wall looks almost like a page on One can see, a passionate lover with a heartburn to a philosopher working his way to change this world, in each one of us.
 7. Foul is the word
No post of ours can go without a tinge of filth. Our larger intentions are still good. But, we just can't help with the words. We are hot-blooded, you know.
8. Me, my spouse and my children
That's all I have. My children wake up, they dress up, they eat, they play and they go to bed. We go places and yes, we do come back. And, you would know that all!
9. The world is all about that sport
What else is there to talk or share? Players, their records, statistics, our expert predictions, abuses, disappointments.
10. No traces whatsoever
We follow each and everything that's happening on Facebook. But, we take extreme caution to make our presence *not* felt. No shares, no likes, no comments. We inherited this habit from paperback book readers, who keep their books clean.

Some of my friends, of course, fall in hybrid classes that are a combination of these.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Missing the 'Like' button here :)