First things first. For the first time, I am reviewing a book written by a person, whom I personally met and even ran together, a couple of long runs over the weekends.
Wise enough to be foolish - For me, the oxymoronic title sounds very philosophical and playful, at the same time. And, the same feeling lasted through out the read.
It's about a girl narrating her story, right from her infancy through adulthood, taking the reader through the idiosyncrasies that one person goes through in one's life. Most of the readers would be able to connect with the narration, at one place or the other, and hook. There is nothing extraordinary about the girl. Probably, that's what helps the connect happen. It's just that she happens to be wise enough to be foolish, more than once, by choice or by default.
She grows up wishing her parents to be more of friends than goal-setters, goes through a relation built over a few years of companionship that breaks up with no obvious reason, turns out to be wise enough to take several foolish sounding decisions like clearing every penny of her savings to fund marriage of her maid's daughter, and deciding to marry a person whom she was yet to meet in flesh and blood etc.,
As per me, the best part of the book is, everyone feels special about at least one person in their lives. Oneself. Either at narcissistic levels or moderate :-) And, one would want to tell one's story to the world. That's exactly what the author did, claiming it as based on a true story (may be, her own). It's all more interesting and worth the reader's while, as, despite being her first book, the author has shown excellent story telling skills and made it a gripping read.